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Burden of HIV and treatment outcomes among TB patients in rural Kenya: a 9-year longitudinal study
BMC Infectious Diseases
Tilføjet 31.05.2023
DNA topoisomerase 1 represses HIV-1 promoter activity through its interaction with a guanine quadruplex present in the LTR sequence
Tilføjet 31.05.2023
[Spotlight] Long COVID? What is that?
Lancet Respiratory Medicine
Tilføjet 31.05.2023
[Articles] Outcome predictors and patient progress following delivery in pregnant and postpartum patients with severe COVID-19 pneumonitis in intensive care units in Israel (OB-COVICU): a nationwide cohort study
Lancet Respiratory Medicine
Tilføjet 31.05.2023
Psychiatric disorders comorbid with general medical illnesses and functional somatic disorders: The Lifelines cohort study
PLoS One Infectious Diseases
Tilføjet 30.05.2023
Physical distancing and emergency medical services utilization after self-harm in Korea during the early COVID-19 pandemic: A nationwide quantitative study
PLoS One Infectious Diseases
Tilføjet 30.05.2023
SARS-CoV-2 spike protein diversity at an intra-host level, among SARS-CoV-2 infected individuals in South Africa, 2020 to 2022
PLoS One Infectious Diseases
Tilføjet 30.05.2023
Effects of physical activity on Chinese overseas students’ mental health during the COVID-19: A multi-country cross-sectional analysis
PLoS One Infectious Diseases
Tilføjet 30.05.2023
Endoscopic features of lymphoid follicles in the colonic mucosa using the image enhanced endoscopy and its association with colorectal adenoma
PLoS One Infectious Diseases
Tilføjet 30.05.2023
Development and validation of a biological risk assessment tool among hospital personnel under COVID-19 pandemic conditions
PLoS One Infectious Diseases
Tilføjet 30.05.2023
Wastewater monitoring for detection of public health markers during the COVID-19 pandemic: Near-source monitoring of schools in England over an academic year
PLoS One Infectious Diseases
Tilføjet 30.05.2023
Assessing the heterogeneity in the transmission of infectious diseases from time series of epidemiological data
PLoS One Infectious Diseases
Tilføjet 30.05.2023
Influenza-associated neurologic complications in children from an H3N2 outbreak in Shenzhen, China during COVID-19 lockdown
International Journal of Infectious Diseases
Tilføjet 30.05.2023
Mycobacterial Genetic Technologies for Probing the Host-Pathogen Microenvironment
Infection and Immunity
Tilføjet 30.05.2023
Forecast for peak infections in the second wave of the Omicron after the adjustment of zero-COVID policy in the mainland of China
Infectious Disease Modelling
Tilføjet 30.05.2023
Anthelmintics V: Drugs, resistance, and vaccines
International Journal for Parasitology
Tilføjet 30.05.2023
Real‐world effectiveness of Azvudine versus nirmatrelvir‐ritonavir in hospitalized patients with COVID‐19
Journal of Medical Virology
Tilføjet 30.05.2023
Antiviral therapy in DRESS
Journal of Medical Virology
Tilføjet 30.05.2023
Transcranial magnetic stimulation in assessment of vocal cord paralysis due to post‐viral (COVID‐19) vagal neuropathy
Journal of Medical Virology
Tilføjet 30.05.2023
Environment–host–parasite interactions in mass-reared insects
Trends in Parasitology
Tilføjet 30.05.2023
High-dose influenza vaccine is associated with reduced mortality among older adults with breakthrough influenza even when there is poor vaccine-strain match
Clinical Infectious Diseases
Tilføjet 29.05.2023
Evolution of SARS‐CoV‐2 variants of concern over a period of Delta and Omicron cocirculation, among patients hospitalized for COVID‐19 in an Italian reference hospital: Impact on clinical outcomes
Journal of Medical Virology
Tilføjet 29.05.2023
Impact of corticosteroids use on midterm sequelae in survivors of COVID‐19 admitted to hospital: A prospective cohort study
Journal of Medical Virology
Tilføjet 29.05.2023
Rapid improvement of severe Mpox lesions with oral tecovirimat
Journal of Medical Virology
Tilføjet 29.05.2023
Streptococcus pyogenes colonization in children aged 24-59 months in The Gambia: Impact of Live Attenuated Influenza Vaccine and associated serological responses
Journal of Infectious Diseases
Tilføjet 29.05.2023
The lockdown and vaccination distribution in Thailand's COVID-19 epidemic: A model study
Infectious Disease Modelling
Tilføjet 29.05.2023
Vaccination and associated factors among tribal children of 1 year age in nine Indian districts: A cross‐sectional study
Tropical Medicine & International Health
Tilføjet 29.05.2023