Søgning på udtrykket 'influenza' giver 47 resultater
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Udarbejdet af Dansk Selskab for Infektionsmedicin i samarbejde med Dansk Selskab for Klinisk Mikrobiologi, Dansk Hæmatologisk Selskab, Dansk Pædiatrisk Selskab, Dansk Selskab for Almen Medicin, Dansk Lungemedicinsk Selskab, Dansk Selskab for Obstetrik og Gynækologi, Dansk Transplantationsselskab, Dansk Selskab for Klinisk Onkologi, Statens Serum Institut & Fagligt Selskab for Hygiejnesygeplejersker
ion ved aspleni.
Denne vejledning dækker anbefalinger omhandlende vaccinationer, antibiotika profylakse og patientinformation om generelle forholdsregler for at beskytte personer med aspleni mod infektioner.
Version 1.2, 22.10.2024. Ændringer siden version 1.1:
Vaccination mod Haemophilus influenzae ændret til 1 dosis (fejlagtigt angivet 3 doser).
Menveo beskytter efter 1 dosis (fejlagtigt angivet som nødvendigt med 2. dosis efter 2-3 mdr).
Link til bilag om vaccinationer tilføjet i Quickguiden.
National retningslinje for håndtering af voksne patienter indlagt med pneumoni.
Udarbejdet af repræsentanter for DSI, DLS og DSKM
2. udgave, 2025
Bl.a. om HIV, hepatitis, influenza og CNS infektioner
nti-TNF-alfa (2011),
Tjekliste ved screening før behandling med anti-TNF-alpha,
Chalotte Stecher (tovholder), Hanne Nødgaard Christensen, Christian Wejse, Jane Agergaard, Morten Sodemann og Marie Nørredam
Jens Lundgren (tovholder), Thomas Benfield, Jan Gerstoft, Isik Johansen, Gitte Kronborg, Henrik Nielsen, Lene Surland Knudsen, Merete Storgaard og Ole Kirk
Meningitis og encephalitis:
Christian Brandt (tovholder), .
Risikoen for bakteriel infektion og sepsis er svært forhøjet ved manglende miltfunktion som følge af splenektomi samt kongenit eller funktionel aspleni. Alvorlige infektioner skyldes primært Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae og Neisseria meningitidis.
Risikoen for svær infektion ved malaria og dyrebid er også markant forhøjet.
Vaccination, antibiotika profylakse/tidlig behandling og adækvat patient information er afgørende for forebyggelse af infektioner.
der kan smitte gennem upasteuriseret mælk omfatter som bekendt bl.a. brucella, Mycobacterium bovis, Listeria, Q-feber, HEV og TBE.
Men nu er også influenza på listen. Udover de vidtrækkende konsekvenser, som fugleinfluenza-infektioner kan have i husdyrhold, så er det altså også nu en sygdom på listen over infektiøse agens, der smitter gennem upasteuriseret ko-mælk.
Heldigvis ser det ud til at pasteurisering er effektiv, og det skal også bemærkes, at i artiklen har man kun set på katte og mus.
Nyt fra tidsskrifterne [+20]
Der er mere end 20 resultater, måske du vil se flere resultater her?
Journal of Medical Virology
Journal of Medical Virology, Volume 97, Issue 2, February 2025.
BMJ Open
. Objectives. The aim of this study was to investigate the risk of severe influenza resulting in hospitalisation among adults with type 1 diabetes (T1D). . Design. Nationwide cohort study using register data. . Settings. Data from the National Diabetes Register (NDR) linked to the Swedish Patient Register, Statistics Sweden and the Swedish Population Register. . Participants.
Journal of Medical Virology
Journal of Medical Virology, Volume 97, Issue 2, February 2025.
Lancet Microbe
Although all three licensed seasonal influenza vaccines elicit serological antibody repertoires with indistinguishable features shaped by heavy imprinting, the RIV4 vaccine selectively boosts higher affinity monoclonal antibodies to contemporary strains and elicits greater serum binding potency and breadth, possibly as a consequence of the multivalent structural features of the HA immunogen in this vaccine formulation.
Science Advances
Science Advances, Volume 11, Issue 6, February 2025.
Emerg Microbes Infect
Volume 14, Issue 1, December 2025 .
International Journal of Infectious Diseases
BMC Infectious Diseases
. Abstract. . Background. Influenza is a seasonal infection with a huge impact on morbidity and mortality in older adults, for whom vaccination is recommended. New influenza vaccines for this population have been introduced in Spain in the past 5 years, and a number of cost-effectiveness analyses (CEA) have been published to aid healthcare decision-making.
BMC Infectious Diseases
. Abstract. . Introduction. Understanding the impact of public health and social measures (PHSMs) on influenza transmission is crucial for developing effective influenza prevention and control strategies. . . . Methods. This modeling study analyzed data from 2017 to 2022, in Beijing, China.
Emerg Microbes Infect
Volume 14, Issue 1, December 2025 .
Emerg Microbes Infect
Volume 14, Issue 1, December 2025 .
Journal of Infectious Diseases
Abstract . Background . To better establish the value of vaccination against influenza viruses, we estimated vaccine-averted influenza illnesses among young children and older adults in Chile, Guyana, and Paraguay.Methods . We gathered country- and target population-specific data on monthly influenza hospitalizations, vaccine coverage, and vaccine effectiveness from surveillance records and immunization registries during 2013-2018.
Journal of Infectious Diseases
Abstract . Background . We estimate annual viral influenza-associated mild-to-moderate illness, hospitalizations, and deaths in six South American countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Paraguay, and Uruguay) during the 2015–2019 influenza seasons as a first step in evaluating the full value of influenza vaccination in the subregion.Methods .
BMC Infectious Diseases
Background. The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a public health problem and may result in co-infection with other pathogens such as influenza virus. This review investigates the co-infection of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza A/B among patients with COVID-19. . . . Methods.
Science, Volume 387, Issue 6733, Page 534-541, January 2025.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Volume 122, Issue 4, January 2025. SignificancePopulation expansion across space can shape genetic makeup and drive evolution. How influenza virus dispersal influences evolution during infection remains unclear. Here, we investigated the evolutionary implications of viral dissemination .
Science Advances
Science Advances, Volume 11, Issue 5, January 2025.
Lancet Infectious Diseases
COVID-19 represented a greater disease burden than influenza, with more hospital admissions and deaths, and more severe disease (primarily among non-vaccinated people, those with comorbidities, and male patients). These results highlight the continued need for attention and public health efforts to mitigate the impact of SARS-CoV-2.
Emerg Microbes Infect
Volume 14, Issue 1, December 2025 .
Aktuelle smitsomme sygdomme [+20]
Der er mere end 20 resultater, måske du vil se flere resultater her?
Medscape Infectious Diseases
New research highlights the lifesaving impact of flu vaccines, showing significant reductions in ICU admissions and mortality across age groups. . Medscape Medical News
Eurosurveillance latest updates
time) in people might serve as an alternative marker of infectiousness. . . Aim. This study’s objective was to evaluate the association of RNA VL decline time with RNA and PFU VL area under the curve (AUC) and transmission risk for SARS-CoV-2 and influenza A virus. . . Methods.
. . . AVIAN
INFLUENZA (51): INDIA (ANDHRA PRADESH) POULTRY, H5N1. **********************************************************. A ProMED-mail post.
www.promedmail.org. ProMED-mail is a program of the. International Society for Infectious Diseases.
www.isid.org . Date: Mon 10 Feb 2025 . Source: The Hindu [edited] .
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR)
This report describes evidence of recent highly pathogenic avian influenza infection among three veterinary practitioners.
. . . AVIAN
INFLUENZA, HUMAN - CHINA (03): (GUANGXI) H10N3, PATIENT RECOVERY. **********************************************************************. A ProMED-mail post.
www.promedmail.org. ProMED-mail is a program of the. International Society for Infectious Diseases.
www.isid.org . [1] . Date: Wed 12 Feb 2025 09:14 CST . Source: Jimu News Client [in Chinese, machine trans., edited] .
www.ctdsb.net/c1659_202502/2371723.html . . .
. . . AVIAN
INFLUENZA, HUMAN - CHINA (02): (HUNAN) H9N2, CHILDREN. ***********************************************************. A ProMED-mail post.
www.promedmail.org. ProMED-mail is a program of the. International Society for Infectious Diseases.
www.isid.org . Date: Tue 11 Feb 2025 . Source: CIDRAP (Center for Infectious Disease Research & Policy). [edited] .
www.cidrap.umn.edu/avian-influenza-bird-flu/h9n2-avian-flu-infects-2-more-china . . .
. . .
INFLUENZA - TAIWAN (02): INCREASE. *********************************. A ProMED-mail post.
www.promedmail.org. ProMED-mail is a program of the. International Society for Infectious Diseases.
www.isid.org . Date: Tue 11 Feb 2025 . Source: Focus Taiwan [edited] .
focustaiwan.tw/society/202502110025 . . . Taiwan reports highest weekly flu-related medical visits in a decade:. CDC . ------------------------------------------------------------------------- .
. . . AVIAN
INFLUENZA (49): SOUTH KOREA (JEOLLABUK-DO) HPAI H5N1, POULTRY,. SPREAD. ***************************************************************************. A ProMED-mail post.
www.promedmail.org. ProMED-mail is a program of the. International Society for Infectious Diseases.
www.isid.org . [1] . Date: Mon 10 Feb 2025 19:32 KST . Source: Newsis [in Korean, machine trans., edited] .
mobile.newsis.com/view/NISX20250210_0003060066 . . .
. . . AVIAN
INFLUENZA (48): JAPAN, HPAI H5N1, POULTRY, WOAH. *****************************************************. A ProMED-mail post.
www.promedmail.org. ProMED-mail is a program of the. International Society for Infectious Diseases.
www.isid.org . Date: Mon 10 Feb 2025 . Source: WOAH-WAHIS (World Animal Health Information System) [edited] .
wahis.woah.org/#/in-review/5966?reportId=172124 . . . Japan - High pathogenicity avian
influenza viruses (poultry) (Inf.